Ultimate Membership Pro
The most COMPLETE Membership Plugin with dozens of features
Ultimate Membership Pro is the well known and the best WordPress Membership Plugin that allow you to create and work with multi-level exclusive access for your Members based on simple Free packages or Payed packages.
You can turn on your Website into a income supply by protecting your valuable content or only part of it.
Protect your: Pages, Products, Categories, any URL, Content Sections, Images, Menu, anything and set a Redirect or Replace Content Rule.
Key Features: Restrict Content, Membership Management, Private Content, Restrict Access, WooCommerce Membership, WordPress Membership, Membership Site, Paid Membership Pro, Member
GDPR Compliant ready and integrated with WordPress 4.9.6+
Ultimate Membership Pro main Features:
- Multi-Levels
- Unlimited Paid/Free Membership Levels
- Content Lockers protect
- Payments Gateway: PayPal, Authorize.net, Stripe, 2CheckOut, BrainTree, Payza, Bank Transfer
- Sell Subscriptions via WooCommerce platform
- Trial Free/Paid period
- Drip Content protection
- Restrict Pages or any URL
- Subscriptions Plan
- MultiPayments option
- Login Predefined Templates
- Register Predefined Templates
- Menu Protection
- Members List Showcases
- Search Option into Members List
- Pagination settings into Members List
- Custom Currencies
- Coupon Codes discount
- Custom Redirect Links
- Multiple Predefined Shortcodes
- Custom Dashboard Access
- Taxes related on user Country
- List of Access Posts available for current Users
- Individual Page for each Users Account once is created
- Pushover Notificationsfor Mobile notifications besides the regular Emails
- User Reports available only for Admins for a better user tracking
- Subscription Delay let you set when the Subscription will start, also.
- Level Dynamic Price – user decides the paid price between some specific limits
- Security Login to avoid bruteforce attacks.
- Membership Badges with custom Images.
- Limit Post submission based on assigned Subscription
- Integrated with Ultimate Affiliate Pro
- Flat&modern Design
- Ready-to-User once is installed
- Multiple reminders Notifications
- Provides Discount for Woo Products based on purchased Levels/Subscriptions
- Drip content Notifications
- and much more…
Ultimate Membership Pro with new updates provides the Complete solution for a Registration process with multiple Templates, options, and especially with All Custom Fields that you need for.
Besides the standard fields (Text,Number, TextArea) the new Special fields are:
Profile Image – Date Picker – Upload Files – DropDown – MultiSelect – CheckBoxes – RadioBox
Ultimate Membership Pro has multiple options on Level Access:
LiveTime – users will have a long term access without an end time. Very useful for basic Levels or Standard Levels
Limited – users will have a fixed time based on Days/Weeks/Months/Years before the Access will expire. The Limited period will start once the User receives the Level Access. Very useful for Trial Levels or small fee Levels
Date Rage – users will have access only on a certain Period of Time, no matter when is Registered. Very useful for Promotional Levels like into Holiday period.
Regular Period – users will have access based on regular time as Days/Weeks/Months/Years when the Access requests to be renewed. Very useful for Recurring Subscription Levels.
After Expire Level – the current Level may be replaced with another Level automatically if that’s is required.
Based on Access Ultimate Membership Pro offer multiple Billing options:
OneTime – One single Payment will be requested to the subscribed user
OnGoing – Long term Recurring Payments will be requested to the subscribed user. The Recurring period is based on “Regular Period” set into the Access section.
Limited – Limited Recurring Payments will be requested to the subscribed user. Very useful for Promotional Access available for several periods.
Trial Period – a Certain Period or a couple of Recurring Cycles can be provided as Trial for Free or a small fee.
Ultimate Membership Pro is able to:
- Restrict access on WooCommerce Products
- Restrict access on WooCommerce Category Products using URL Blocks module
- Restrict access on Shop, Cart or other Pages from WooCommerce
- Restrict access on Forms from bbPress
- Restrict access on Topics from bbPress
- Restrict access on any Custom Post Type from WP Website
Ultimate Membership Pro synchronize the Membership Users with ALL WordPress Users with different types. Users from other Platforms or scripts, like WooCommerce, bbPress or BuddyPress can be managed to have restrict Access based on their assigned Level.
The Users can register and login using any Form provided by Membership Pro or other scripts.
Files Included with this download
- Ultimate Membership Pro 12.9