Here is a summary of the terms and conditions you agree to when finalizing your order. Please make sure to read the full terms and conditions and privacy policy before proceeding with your order:Products on are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and are developed by third-party developers. is not affiliated with the developers and does not provide additional support or license keys.
Services are provided “as is” without specific guarantees, and jurisdiction-specific warranties are excluded as permitted by law.
Purchases include the product version available at the time and free access to future updates. In cases of fraud or misuse, access to updates may be revoked, but the initial download is considered complete.
Support for issues related to the product author, such as customizations or version problems, is not provided.
Item availability is not guaranteed, and downloads may be modified or suspended at any time without notice.
The Provider is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the customer’s breach of these terms or product use.