Analytify Pro Campaigns Addon
Google Analytics Campaigns Manager for WordPress
You are Internet Marketer, Online store owner or freelancer. Everyone uses UTM parameters to track their campaigns. Our Analytify Pro Campaigns Addon helps you to idenity the Analytics of your campaigns within WordPress. heck, Yes. You can see all your campaigns inside WordPress in once instance.
Analytify Pro Campaigns Addon Features & Functionality
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Generate UTM URLs
With Analytify Pro Campaigns Addon You can Generate here UTM tags URL and use it anywhere you want to track the links.
UTM Campaigns Dashboard
Camapaigns dashboard contains a list of all the campaigns you have ran so far using UTM tags parameters. Every campaign is differentiated by its name and contains detailed statistics for each campaign.
The days are over when you or your client have to go to Google Analytics and spend huge time of finding reports. We have brought everything inside WordPress Dashboard. And report in a way you understand, that makes sense.
Licensing: GPL
Files Included with this download
- Analytify Pro Campaigns Addon 5.5.0