Paid Memberships Pro – Auto-Renewal Checkbox Addon
Auto-Renewal Checkbox at Membership Checkout
Allow members to opt-in to automatic renewals via a checkbox on the Membership Checkout page.
How it Works
This Add On enables a new section on the Membership Checkout page allowing a user to set up automatic renewals. If the user does not select automatic renewals, their membership will expire based on the cycle period from the recurring billing settings on the level.
For example, if your level’s initial payment and recurring subscription are $10 per 1 month, members can either purchase a membership that automatically renews monthly OR pay $10 for a single month of membership.
Admins can adjust whether to allow automatic renewals per level on the Memberships > Settings > Levels > Edit Level page.
This addon works with and requires Paid Memberships Pro.
License: GPL
Files Included with this download
- Paid Memberships Pro - Auto-Renewal Checkbox Addon 0.3.3